Kudjip Nazarene Hospital Staff Houses
Service Opportunity VisionTo provide housing for dedicated national employees at Kudjip Nazarene Hospital and Mission Station. Service Opportunity DescriptionRunning a health care ministry with a major hospital and Nursing College requires many different kinds of people to operate – from cleaners to doctors, from general workers cutting the grass to administrators, from secretaries to midwives. We want all of our staff to feel valued and have a safe and clean environment in which to raise their family. Currently, many of our staff houses are very run down and very small. Our ancillary staff do some tough and difficult jobs and we want them all to have access to clean drinking water, a shower, and toilet.
We will build a cement slab and prepare materials before the team comes. A team of 10 to 12 people should be able to erect a house in 2 weeks. This makes a great NMT project. We will hire some local carpenters or maintenance workers to help your team as you go from a blank slab to a completed house. You can also meet the family who will move into the home that your team builds. Scheduled Team Trips |