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Youth Teams Welcome
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South America
Compassionate Ministries
Work & Witness
811 service opportunities
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Regional Priorities
Benin - Tangieta Zone Center
Work & Witness > Construction
Tangieta, Benin (Africa)
Site Coordinator: Tim Eby
Youth Teams Welcome
Team Opportunity
Our vision for the Africa West Field, "To stimulate a holiness revival in every community throughout West Africa, resulting in transformed believers in every local church with a passion…
Mango Tree - Relationship Building and Community Construction
Work & Witness > Compassionate Ministries, Construction, Evangelism, Other
Nuku’alofa, Tonga (Asia-Pacific)
Site Coordinator: Mr. Joshua Stewardson
Youth Teams Welcome
Team Opportunity
This project will provide opportunities for the Mango Tree Respite Care Facility to build relationships with their local community through the partnership of Teams in outreach and assistance given…
Service Opportunities
A District Center for Sur Occidental del Peten.
Work & Witness > Construction
Sayaxche, Guatemala (Mesoamerica)
Site Coordinator: Roger Kellogg
Youth Teams Welcome
Team Opportunity
This is a newly formed district and needs a District Center to facilitate ministry in the Southwest of the Peten Providence of Guatemala. Rev. Samuel Coc is the District…
CHIIMBA TECHNICAL COLLEGE (Construction of 2 School Blocks, 1 Office & 3 Staff Houses)
Work & Witness > Compassionate Ministries, Construction, Evangelism
Lilongwe, Malawi (Africa)
Site Coordinator: Rev. Nicholas B Shikuku
Youth Teams Welcome
Team Opportunity
The Chiimba Church of the Nazarene in Malawi Central District is running short courses to equip Pastors, Leaders, Church Planters, Men, Women, Youth and Children, with different skills for…
Getsemaní IdN Guaynabo PR
Work & Witness > Construction
Guaynabo, Puerto Rico (Mesoamerica)
Site Coordinator: Rvdo. Andres Hernandez
Youth Teams Welcome
Team Opportunity
Continue to improve our spaces of worship.
Iglesia del Nazareno Alto Trujillo
Work & Witness > Construction
Trujillo, Peru (South America)
Site Coordinator: Rev. Jose David Acosta Herazo
Team Opportunity
La iglesia se estableció en este lugar, y desde entonces ha logrado en más de dos décadas, transformar vidas en las familias de la comunidad, a través de sus…
Kenya Lodwar Gender Based Violence program
Work & Witness > Compassionate Ministries
Nairobi, Kenya (Africa)
Site Coordinator: Mrs. Valentine M Mutua
Team Opportunity
Equip Pastors and leaders for the sustainable growth of the Church.
Work & Witness > Construction
SALIMA, Malawi (Africa)
Site Coordinator: Rev. Nicholas B Shikuku
Team Opportunity
A MULT PURPOSE BUILDING TO HOST the following: 1. District Superintendents’/secretary office 2. DAB and other special meetings 3. Pastors in ministerial Training classes
Work & Witness > Construction, Evangelism
Chiclayo, Peru (South America)
Site Coordinator: Rev. Jose David Acosta Herazo
Youth Teams Welcome
Team Opportunity
To improve the structure of the Nazarene Theological Seminary in Chiclayo, Peru. With the recent rains, some of the buildings there have been affected. The damages need to be…
"Boca Sur" Church - Chile
Work & Witness > Construction
Hualpén , Chile (South America)
Youth Teams Welcome
Team Opportunity
Construction of the Church of the Nazarene in Boca Sur - Southern Chile. Bio Bio District.
"Lo Espejo" Church - Chile
Work & Witness > Construction, Evangelism, JESUS Film
Santiago, Chile (South America)
Team Opportunity
Arrangements in the temple of the Church. Part Electric, Ceiling and bathrooms.
"Look of love" Mirada de Amor - Chile
Work & Witness > Construction
Santiago, Chile (South America)
Team Opportunity
The Nazarene Church in Valparaíso wishes to continue working with children and youth who are disabled. La Iglesia del Nazareno Valparaiso desea seguir el ministerio com niños y jóvenes con discapacidad.
2021 Earthquake south Haiti
Work & Witness > Compassionate Ministries, Construction, Evangelism, Medical, Other
Haiti, Haiti (Mesoamerica)
Site Coordinator: Mr. Antoine P Jacques
Team Opportunity
Haiti is located in an area seismically active and has a history of destructive earthquake. This has caused damage in church buildings and houses in certain areas of the…
2022 Hurricane Fiona Disaster Response
Work & Witness > Construction
El Seibo, Higuey, La Romana, Dominican Republic (Mesoamerica)
Site Coordinator: Carlos De La Cruz
Team Opportunity
Hurricane Fiona has wreaked havoc in the Eastern District of the Dominican Republic in regards to flooding and has damaged numerous church structures and Pastor's homes. Work and Witness…
21st Century Classroom Project
Work & Witness > Construction
Nairobi, Kenya (Africa)
Site Coordinator: Ruth Wambugu
Team Opportunity
To provide state of the art classroom facilities for the University
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